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Custom Fees

Manage Extra Fees and Services

This feature allows you to manage your Extra fees in two ways in Andriod:

  • Go to Trips > Custom.
  • Click on "Manage Custom Fares."
  • Press the + in the top right corner.
  • On the green button Press "Manage Fees". Click on the + in the top right.
  • Add your additional services > Enter, Name - Price - Save.
  • To activate or deactivate extra fees, press the button in front of each item.
  • Start a Ride, you can add an existing Extra Fees or create a new one.
  • Press the "$" in the top right corner.
  • To activate an existing fees , simply press the button for the fees you want to enable or disable.
  • To add a new Extra fees, press the "+" in the top right, enter the information for your new Extra Fees > press save.