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What each role can do within the fleet?

There are 3 types of fleet roles currently


  • Can view realtime location of everyone in the fleet.
  • Can receive dispatches.
  • Can send dispatches.
  • Can upload their driver’s license, insurance, and registration documents.
  • Set a verified phone number.
  • Call or send a text message to other drivers that have phone verified.


  • Everything that a driver can do plus.
  • Change the roles of anyone in the fleet (except the owner).
  • View and verify photos of the driver’s documents.
  • Remove drivers from fleet.
  • Add, change and remove fares for everyone in the fleet.
  • Access to the fleet console where they can see the rides and how much $$ each driver earned.


  • Everything that an admin can do plus.
  • Can delete the fleet.
  • Can allow stripe QR code payments for their whole fleet through their stripe account. (contact to set this up).