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What is the Stripe Payout Schedule Like

What is the Stripe Payout Schedule Like?

Your payout schedule refers to how often Stripe sends money to your bank account.

In supported countries, your default payout schedule is daily automatic. You can change this in the Dashboard to weekly automatic, monthly automatic, or manual payouts. When selecting a weekly or monthly schedule, you can specify the day of the week or month that you want payouts to arrive in your bank account.

Weekly and Monthly Payout Schedules

  • For monthly payout schedules, if the payout arrival day you’ve selected is beyond the final day of a particular month, the payout automatically adjusts to the last day of that month.
  • For both weekly and monthly payout schedules, if the chosen payout arrival day falls on a non-business day, the payout arrival day occurs on the following business day instead.

When you select a payout schedule, it doesn't change how long it takes your pending balance to become available. However, it allows you to control when your payouts occur. For example, if your account operates on a daily payout schedule with a 3 business day payout speed, Stripe pays out funds daily from transactions captured 3 business days earlier.

Country-Specific Restrictions

Certain countries have restrictions on payout schedules:

  • Brazil and India: Payouts are always automatic and daily.
  • Japan: Daily payouts aren’t available. The default payout schedule is set to weekly (Friday).

Initial Payout Timing

When you start processing live payments, Stripe typically schedules your initial payout for 7-14 days after you successfully receive your first payment. Your first payout might take longer, depending on your industry risk level and country of operation. Subsequent payouts follow your account’s payout schedule.

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